Sunday, March 20, 2011

My favorites this week!

2 books which I love for their clever titles "Treasures" and "The Collectors".
 I felt drawn to these books!
20 cents each at Salvation Army on Thursday.  

2 new muffin tins for $2 each from an estate sale on Thursday.

2 fabulous wooden signs for $7 total from an estate sale on Friday. 
Which happened to be a RePurpose Estate Sale where they were filming for 
Season 2 of "Cash and Cari" which will start in JULY 2011 on HGTV !

And I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday!! It was a GREAT week!

1 comment:

  1. So, you like estate sales as well, do you? We have furnished our home with several estate sale pieces.

    My only regret, or I should say my husband's, was to purchase a boxed lot of several silver (the real stuff) pieces, and I don't know of a good way to clean the pieces, where all the tarnish is removed. So, those are going to be donated to another home to be loved.


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