Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another New Table (from Craigslist)

I finally found our perfect dining room table! After weeks of searching on Craigslist it showed up one day and I called on it. I knew I wanted a dark color, rectangle table with round legs. I had traveled out to see 2 other tables, before finding this one, that were nice but were not 

This is perfect. I LOVE the curved edges! It is 70" x 39". I had to take the legs off to fit it in my car. It was only about 30 minutes away from our house. And I paid $125! Now I need to find 2 benches and 2 chairs to go with it. I just know I will find them this summer SOMEWHERE on my garage sale/estate sale adventures!! (or maybe on Craigslist). 1 new table this year + 6 NEW TABLES from last year = do I need anymore? (maybe)


  1. V e r y nice! I'm currently on the lookout for a headboard, or something that will work as one, on Kijiji (version of Craigslist).

    I found an antique fireplace mantle, that the owner has been "playing head games" with me over it. At first, he wasn't willing to drop the price much, and refused my offer. Then, he re-lists with a lower price than what I had originally offered. So, I countered back at half the price of what I had originally offered. No reply. I saw this evening that it's still there. Offered again, at a low price. If I get it I will share my deal. If I don't, yard sales are around the corner, and there is an estate sale we are going to next weekend!

  2. That's our EXACT TABLE!! (Down to the circles on the legs tops and everything!) You have good taste. :) - and you got a great deal! Our table, leaf and six chairs was almost $800! Good job!


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