Monday, November 29, 2010

OMG! Silhouette! 1st project idea.

I could hardly believe it! Over 5000 entries in the Silhouette giveaway at and I won!! I cannot wait to try it out. Here is my first project idea. This plaque was $3 at Salavation Army. It is 14 inches x 9.5 inches. I want to paint it and create vinyl letters to display our family name (Moore) and the year we were married (2001). Should I paint it dark with light letters? Or paint it a light color and add dark letters?


  1. Congrats!!! Awesome blog! Newbie here. I'll be checking out all the cool stuff u do with ur new toy! =)

  2. Light bckgroud with dark colors would look great!

  3. congrats on the giveaway win! I've been looking thru your blog, you have a lot of great scores!

  4. Wow! You are too lucky! I'll bet you have lots of fun with it! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :)

  5. light background-dark letters

  6. Are you planning on hanging it inside or outside? I think I'd go with light background and dark letters myself. I entered that giveaway too, congratulations to you. I'd love to see what projects you come up with using it. I'm thinking about buying one but kinda on the fence.

  7. I am thinking of hanging it outside by our front door. Kathy-I will definitely post the projects I create with my new Silhouette. I can't wait to hear more ideas from you all on what to create with it.

  8. Ahhh you are so lucky!!!!! That's amazing!!!


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